Welcome Note

Welcome everybody to my new pirate ham radio blog. The goal of this blog is to allow discussions to take place for those who dont have a ham licence yet but they do operate outside the ham bands. Everybody is invited licensed or non licensed although i think many ham operators will disapprove what we do.

I am Greek by the way. I am 20 years old and i dont have a licence yet. Due to university i didnt get a chance to take the exams for a ham licence although i paid twice the fees for the tests.
I do operate though illegally outside the ham bands.
I have full knowledge that this is illegal and that is a "bad" thing to do. But hey... i am not bothering anyone and i fully respect ham operators and their rights as well non licensed operators. Never bothered anyone never will.
Every one should respect each other.

Please feel free to comment on anything

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Shack talk

Well lets use this post to talk about our equipment.

I have a yaesu ft-857d an LDG z-100 auto tuner and a vertical diamond CP6.
Didnt have much money to spend so this is all i cound get.
The antenna although it has good reviews is not very appropriate for me because it is designed for operation mainly inside the ham bands and has a narrow bandwidth. But the tuner helps a little.

So... everyone whats your shack?


  1. The reason i chose the cp6 is definitely lack of space. I live in 4 floor building and the roof is about 15 square meters. I dont think a full sized G5RV or any similar dipole would fit in there. Perhaps i could build a dipole for 20 meters but then again i dont like being limited to only one band.

  2. g5rv junior!! just perfect with your ldg!!!

  3. Well i could perhaps use it as an inverted V. Do you know the dimensions of the dipole?

  4. forget about g5rv junior as an inverted v!! will never work!! search on the web about dimensions!! as an inverted v you can put a dipole monobander for 6710!! 10,50+10,50!! and you can tune it to 14mhz band and 21mhz band!! but also the best idea is to get a licence!! all the pirate radio operators work 3400-3500mhz and 6600-6750!! center of activite 6710mhz!

  5. thanx a lot for the useful information
